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What Else Than Performance is Required for Job Advancement?

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  • Career progression requires more than just excelling in your current role; it involves a holistic approach that includes developing a growth mindset, exceptional skills, leadership potential, and the ability to effectively market your achievements.
  • Personal attributes such as initiative, adaptability, and a positive work attitude, along with strategic networking and visibility, play a significant role in advancing one's career trajectory.
  • Organizational factors like empowerment, visibility to decision-makers, and a culture that fosters innovation and meritocracy are crucial for accelerating career progression.

In today's fast-paced and competitive job market, excelling in your current role is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to career progression. While delivering stellar performance is undeniably crucial, there are several other factors that play a pivotal role in climbing the corporate ladder. As we delve into the intricacies of career advancement, it becomes evident that a multifaceted approach is essential for those aspiring to reach new heights in their professional journey.

One of the fundamental aspects of career progression is fostering a growth mindset. According to Linda Teo, country manager at ManpowerGroup Singapore, employees should not only focus on completing the tasks at hand but also contemplate how they can enhance their work quality. "Even if it is something they have done before, they should always think of how they can do it better," Teo advises. This proactive approach to improving work quality demonstrates to supervisors that an employee possesses a growth mindset and takes ownership of their work—traits highly sought after by employers.

Career success extends beyond mere job performance. Employers also consider various other aspects, such as whether individuals possess exceptional skills and talent in their respective fields, leadership potential, and relevant training. Young talents with overseas work experience may also have an edge over their peers, offering a broader perspective and diverse skill set that can be invaluable in today's globalized business environment.

Personal Attributes and Organizational Factors

Personal attributes like taking initiative, adaptability, a positive work attitude, and the ability to market one's achievements often set individuals apart, enabling them to seize opportunities and make impactful contributions. However, organizational factors such as empowerment within the role, visibility to decision-makers, and a culture that fosters innovation and meritocracy can significantly accelerate career progression. Teo emphasizes the importance of taking on challenging "stretch projects" outside one's comfort zone, which can further demonstrate an employee's capability and ambition.

In addition to excelling in your role and demonstrating leadership potential, it's crucial to ensure that your achievements are visible to those who matter. Networking within and outside your organization can provide you with the exposure needed to advance your career. Building relationships with key decision-makers and influencers can open doors to new opportunities and provide you with valuable insights and guidance.

Career progression is a multifaceted journey that requires more than just performing well in your current role. Embracing a growth mindset, developing exceptional skills, demonstrating leadership potential, and effectively marketing your achievements are all critical components. Additionally, personal attributes such as initiative, adaptability, and a positive work attitude, coupled with strategic networking and visibility, can significantly impact your career trajectory. As Linda Teo aptly puts it, "Young talents who progress swiftly do not just excel in their current job." It's about taking ownership of your career, continuously seeking ways to add value, and positioning yourself as an indispensable asset to your organization.

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