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How to save money at UK summer music festivals

Image Credits: UnsplashImage Credits: Unsplash
  • Borrowing a tent and bringing your own food are effective ways to cut costs at UK summer music festivals.
  • Setting a daily budget and using banking apps can help manage festival spending.
  • Volunteering at festivals can provide free tickets and unique experiences.

Summer music festivals in the UK are a highlight for many, offering a chance to see favorite bands, enjoy the atmosphere, and create unforgettable memories. However, the costs can quickly add up, making it essential to find ways to save money without sacrificing the experience. Here are some practical tips to help you cut costs at UK summer music festivals.

Borrow a Tent

One of the biggest expenses for festival-goers is accommodation. Instead of buying a new tent, consider borrowing one from a friend or family member. This not only saves money but also reduces waste. Acquiring a tent on loan will greatly reduce your festival expenditures, enabling you to focus your resources towards other necessities such as sustenance and transportation.

Bring Your Own Food

Festival food can be notoriously expensive. To avoid high prices, bring your own food. Pack non-perishable items like granola bars, canned goods, and snacks. If the festival allows, bring a small camping stove to cook simple meals. This approach not only saves money but also ensures you have food you enjoy. Opting to bring your own food might result in substantial cost savings, particularly during a festival that spans many days.

Set a Daily Budget

It's easy to get carried away with spending at festivals. Set a daily budget to keep your finances in check. Use a banking app like Monzo or Starling to track your spending and receive notifications if you exceed your budget. This helps you stay on track and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Volunteer for a Free Ticket

Many festivals offer free tickets in exchange for volunteer work. Tasks can range from litter picking to helping at information booths. Volunteering not only saves you the cost of a ticket but also provides a unique behind-the-scenes experience. As highlighted by The Festival Clothing Company, "Volunteering is the best way to save money when you consider current festival ticket prices".

Share Travel Costs

Travel can be a significant expense. Reduce costs by carpooling with friends or using group travel discounts. Booking travel in advance can also save money. According to Yorkshire Evening Post, "Booking travel in advance, including train tickets, will save you money; sometimes up to 80%".

Repurpose Essential Items

Instead of buying new festival gear, repurpose items you already own. This includes clothing, camping equipment, and accessories. Sites like Depop and Vinted are great for finding second-hand festival outfits. This not only saves money but also supports sustainable fashion.

Avoid Buying a Program

With the advent of smartphones, there's no need to buy a festival program. Most festivals have apps or websites where you can find all the information you need. This small saving can add up, especially if you're attending multiple festivals.

Use Free Services

Many festivals offer free services like phone charging stations. Look out for these to avoid spending money on portable chargers. Some festivals even have tents where you can cycle to generate power for charging your phone.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the vibrant UK festival scene without breaking the bank. With a bit of planning and smart budgeting, you can make the most of your festival experience while keeping costs down. These strategies will help you have a fantastic time at UK summer music festivals without the financial stress. Enjoy the music, the atmosphere, and the memories, all while staying within your budget.

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