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Ultrasonic coffee – Is it worth the hype?

Image Credits: UnsplashImage Credits: Unsplash
  • Ultrasonic coffee uses sound waves to enhance the inherent flavors of coffee beans, resulting in a vibrant and intense coffee experience.
  • The process combines the acidity and fruitiness of a filter coffee with the body of an espresso, but with less bitterness and a clean finish.
  • The refined ultrasonic coffee technology is now accessible for home and cafe use, offering a new way for coffee enthusiasts to enjoy their favorite beverage.

Imagine sipping a coffee that feels like a music festival in your mouth – vibrant, intense, and full of surprises. This is the promise of ultrasonic coffee, a groundbreaking innovation by Dr. Francisco Trujillo and PhD student Nikunj Naliyadhara at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. But does it live up to the hype?

Ultrasonic coffee is brewed using a unique process that involves transmitting sound waves into the coffee grinds. Unlike traditional methods, this technique doesn't alter the taste of the coffee but rather amplifies the inherent flavors of the beans. As Dr. Trujillo explains, "The ultrasonic process brings out a more intense version of the bean's inherent flavors".

The journey of ultrasonic coffee begins with ground coffee beans meticulously packed into a portafilter basket, connected to a Breville espresso machine. Instead of manual manipulation, a transducer transmits sound waves into the coffee grinds. This innovative approach results in a coffee that possesses the acidity and fruitiness of a filter coffee, the body and mouthfeel of an espresso, but with less bitterness and a clean finish.

Benjamin Johnson, the owner of The New Paradigm Coffee Roasters in St Peters, describes the experience as akin to an espresso made with a low brewing temperature – a superior cold brew experience. "It's like drinking a music festival," he says, highlighting the vibrant and intense flavors that ultrasonic coffee offers.

The original ultrasonic coffee machine was large, loud, and impractical for cafes or homes. However, after a year of refinement, the technology now fits seamlessly into a standard espresso machine, making it accessible for coffee enthusiasts everywhere. This advancement opens up new possibilities for coffee lovers to explore and enjoy the full spectrum of flavors that their favorite beans have to offer.

In a tasting session, three different cups of ultrasonic coffee were sampled, each made from different beans. The consensus was clear: the ultrasonic process doesn't change the taste but enhances it, bringing out a more intense version of the bean's inherent flavors. By the end of the session, the unique characteristics of ultrasonic coffee were evident – a thick, cold consistency with a deep brown hue, reminiscent of 90% dark chocolate, and a taste surprisingly devoid of bitterness.

Dr. Trujillo's description of the coffee captures its essence perfectly: "It possesses the acidity and fruitiness of a filter coffee, the body and mouthfeel of an espresso, but with less bitterness and a clean finish". This innovative brewing method offers a new way to experience coffee, making it a must-try for any coffee aficionado.

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