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3 things every new manager should do

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  • New managers should prioritize building trust with their team by understanding individual strengths and weaknesses, and showing genuine interest in their team members' professional and personal growth.
  • Establishing clear, consistent communication channels is crucial for setting expectations, providing feedback, and ensuring team alignment with organizational goals.
  • Embracing continuous learning and seeking opportunities for personal and professional development are essential for new managers to effectively adapt to their roles and handle complex team dynamics.

Stepping into a managerial role is a significant transition that comes with a unique set of challenges and responsibilities. For new managers, the shift from being an individual contributor to leading a team requires not only a change in mindset but also a strategic approach to management. Based on insights from experts and seasoned leaders, here are three critical practices that every new manager should adopt to ensure success and effectiveness in their new role.

1. Invest in Building Trust and Rapport with Your Team

One of the foundational elements of effective management is building trust with your team members. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship and is particularly crucial in a professional setting where collaboration and teamwork are essential for achieving goals.

Peter Cappelli, a professor at Wharton and the director of Wharton's Center for Human Resources, emphasizes the importance of this transition, noting that many managers are promoted from within their teams and suddenly find themselves in charge of their former peers. This dynamic can complicate relationships unless handled with care and empathy.

"Building trust starts with understanding the individual strengths and weaknesses of team members and showing genuine interest in their professional development and personal well-being," says Cappelli. Managers should spend time interacting with their team members, seeking their input, and showing appreciation for their contributions. This not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of openness and mutual respect.

2. Develop a Clear Communication Strategy

Effective communication is another pillar critical to the success of new managers. Clear, concise, and consistent communication helps in setting expectations, providing feedback, and ensuring that everyone on the team is aligned with the organization's goals.

New managers should establish regular check-ins and team meetings to foster a transparent communication environment. These interactions provide opportunities to discuss project updates, brainstorm solutions to challenges, and share strategic organizational updates. Additionally, being open to feedback from team members can lead to improvements in processes and management practices.

"Managers need to be particularly vigilant about how they communicate changes and decisions to their team, especially since their words and actions are now viewed through a different lens," Cappelli advises.

3. Embrace a Learning Mindset

The transition to management often exposes new leaders to areas where they may lack experience or knowledge. Embracing a learning mindset is crucial for personal and professional growth. New managers should seek resources, whether through formal training or informal learning from mentors and peers, to fill any gaps in their management skills.

It is estimated that approximately 59% of managers do not have any official training before to taking on their responsibilities. This phenomenon can result in difficulties when it comes to managing complex team dynamics and decision-making procedures. "It's essential for new managers to proactively seek learning opportunities and continuously improve their skills to adapt to their evolving roles," says Cappelli.

Becoming a manager is a significant career milestone that comes with a set of challenges that, if navigated successfully, can lead to immense professional growth and opportunities. By building trust with team members, mastering effective communication, and maintaining a commitment to continuous learning, new managers can significantly enhance their effectiveness and lead their teams to success.

Incorporating these practices not only helps in managing the team efficiently but also sets a strong foundation for long-term leadership roles. As new managers adapt to their roles, they should remember that management is an ongoing journey of learning, adapting, and inspiring others. By integrating these strategies into their management approach, new managers can overcome the initial challenges of their roles and pave the way for a rewarding and successful leadership path.

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